Welcome to Afghanistan!

War-Torn. Hospitable People. Stunning Landscapes

A dangerous country, which for decades has been torn apart by war. The resilience of the Afghan people is unfathomable. Travel here is strongly discouraged due to the on-going instability and safety inside the country. If you do decide to go, be sure to read the latest travel and safety advice about Afghanistan before your arrival. Afghanistan is bruised and battered, yet the landscapes and people are beautiful. If awards were given for the most welcoming nation on earth, Afghanistan would easily top the list.

Learn more about Afghanistan

Food Adventures

18 Most Popular Foods from Afghanistan

Explore the diverse and flavourful world of Afghan cuisine with these most popular dishes.

Foods from Afghanistan, known for their aromatic spices and hearty ingredients, include favourites like Kabuli pulao, kebabs, tender meats and mouthwatering sweets. 

Travel Guides

What is the Future of Afghanistan?

Afghanistan. The country seems to be synonymous with war, terrorist attacks, kidnapping and the Taliban. The mere mention of visiting Afghanistan had people wonder and worry.

What is the future of Afghanistan? We were keen to find out from its people.